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FAFSA 2024 Updates

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, 今年,所有新生和返校学生将比往年晚些时候获得助学金. FAFSA 2024 FAQs

洛约拉已经延长了入学存款的截止日期为即将到来的一年级学生到2024年6月1日. Read the full message

Bachelor of Applied Science

Design your studies

Bachelor of Applied Science (在线)

Create a degree tailored to your specific goals.

我们的应用科学学士学位是一个灵活的在线课程,为忙碌的学生提供了围绕他们的学术和职业目标设计课程的机会. 带着你的野心和激情,在你独一无二的学位道路上努力前进.



Start the conversation — learn more about your program of interest.




To design your degree program, 您将完成以下列出的核心和基础课程,并选择以下两个专业来定制您的学位.

Applied Development SpecializationApplied Development

应用发展专业建立在心理学的基础上,专注于人们在现实生活中一生经历的发展过程. This specialization can enhance careers in psychology, 咨询, 教育, 照顾孩子, 老年医学, or any field related to understanding human behavior.

Business Management SpecializationBusiness Management

As a professional, it’s useful to have a holistic understanding of business. 这个学位的专业化教授的原则和技能,你可以立即应用在一系列的职业生涯. You will learn how to make critical and ethical business decisions, 分析数据, effectively weigh risks and rewards, employ best management and marketing practices, 还有更多.

Church Administration SpecializationChurch Administration

寻找在管理等领域支持教会和教会相关组织所需技能的基础, 操作, 财务状况, and church management? 教会管理专业将使您专注于如何最好地管理基于信仰的团体的独特方面.

Computer Science SpecializationComputer Science

Every industry is impacted by the continually accelerating growth of technology, 计算机和技术专业的学生不再面临只能从事狭义技术职业的前景. 这种专业化提供了一个介绍计算机科学的世界,并准备你的职业生涯作为一个网页设计师, information technology consultant, 数据分析师, system developer, ne两个rk engineer, software engineer, and game programmer.

犯罪学 & 正义 Specialization犯罪学 & 正义

我们的犯罪学和司法程序审查犯罪的性质以及社会如何管理和阻止犯罪活动. Studying for your applied science degree in the criminology department, 你将向那些在刑事司法系统中具有专业理论知识和实践经验的人学习. Courses cover law enforcement, 法院, 修正, and the private/corporate criminal justice sector.

网络安全 Specialization网络安全

提供如此多好处的信息系统很容易出错和不幸, 它们是偶数, as we know all too well, vulnerable to hostile acts. 网络安全专业为帮助保护我们所依赖的系统的工作提供了知识和技能的基础.

Mass 沟通 Specialization沟通

From mobile photography to social engagement, 这种集中教你如何掌握通信在我们的数字世界. 准备好让自己沉浸在战术技能和战略知识中,以便在竞争中领先.

pre-Accelerated Bachelors of Science in 护理 (pre-ABSN)Pre-Accelerated Bachelors of Science in 护理 (pre-ABSN)

预ABSN专业是为已经进入加速护理学士(ABSN)课程的学生设计的,但需要额外的课程和学位完成. absn预科课程的学生将完成两套专业课程, 其中一组需要在顾问的协助下进行非现场课程的协调, 第二套在线课程作为应用科学学士学位的一部分完成.

Professional 写作 SpecializationProfessional 写作

专业写作专业化侧重于写作的技术方面,因为它涉及到在各种媒体格式和专业设置中的信息的呈现和组织. Gaining a foundation in professional writing can complement almost any career, especially those that value concise language, clear description, and effective communication.

心理学 Specialization心理学

You want to understand how the human mind thinks and learns, and how it processes decisions and perceptions. And you want to use that knowledge to ​help others. Whatever your goals, our program and expert faculty will prepare for success in research, continued study, 还有事业.​

在线 Bachelor of Applied Science Curriculum

Flexible online courses taught by experts.

Explore diverse aspects of life, 社会, 和人类文化,同时获得进入职场所需的知识和技能, 改变你的职业, or complete academic work that you’ve perhaps started elsewhere. Grounded in the Jesuit 教育al tradition that makes Loyola distinctive, 这个在线通识学位为批判性思维和基于价值观的决策提供了坚实的基础.


洛约拉参加了航空大学-副学士学位合作(AU-ABC)计划,该计划适用于现役空军和太空部队服务成员,他们已经完成了CCAF技术学位. Through the AU-ABC program, 符合条件的参与者可以参加洛约拉的在线应用科学学士(BAS)学位课程,洛约拉将接受多达60小时的CCAF课程,以完成学位. 了解更多


Degree Overview


Bachelor of Applied Science



  • 30 credits of major courses (within 2 different specialization areas)
  • 39个学分 of 罗耀拉核心 courses
  • 51个学分 of general elective courses

请查看 University 公告 查看应用科学学位的洛约拉的学士学位进一步的课程信息,并下载学位工作表.

认证 and National Recognitions


